
talongha Lake

We are a regular American family living a not so regular life. Tired of all the trappings that come with a demanding job ie, the constant travel, being away from his three little monkeys and their mama and not feeling like life was meant to be lived this way. My hubby decided to make some huge life changes. Together we knew there had to be another way.  So we bought an RV and set out on the road to find what life could really be like as we work, play, learn and live in 450 square feet across America. Today after 24 United States crossings, 70,000 miles and almost four years later, we see no sign of stopping. Come join us on our adventures!


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there “Regular Americans” 🙂

    Want to be featured on Wand’rly Magazine (a website for travelers, folks who want to, etc.)?

    We’re a traveling family ourselves, hit the road in 2008 and have been running the mag since 2012. If you’d like your story to be shared, please do get back to me! nathan@wandrly.co


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