Game Changing Products

This page is dedicated to the products that I have tried and feel the need to tell everyone about. Some may be RV related and others just life related.



I went into trying the above product with very little hope that it would help my son and his horribly debilitating motion sickness. Life on the road can be hell on wheels for a boy that gets queasy every time there is a curve in the road. He is witness that these bands really do work. He was a boy that would let go of lunch quicker than a knife fight in a phone booth. Now, I place a band on each arm right before we hit the road and he can read, do school work, video games, you name it. He didn’t have the first complaint about nausea. It is worth mentioning though that the bands have to be placed correctly on the wrist where the Pericardium 6 (P6) point is on the wrist. If they are not exactly where they should be, symptom can be exhibited. A quick fix for that is to just adjust, add pressure for a couple of minutes and your good to go.

Game Changer!!

Zwipes Micro-Fiber Cleaning Towels


Good for everything from cleaning June bugs from that Mississippi highway off your windshield to sopping up the wine I just spilled on the carpet. They are thirsty suckers and they will absorb and clean what is ailing you. I use them to dry my dishes, mop the floor, clean Hubby’s glasses, wipe the dogs paws.The list is a mile. Windex can be trashed. Use two towels, one wet and one dry and you will have a beautiful streak-free finish on all your mirrors and windows. Get them wet, ring them out and they are almost dry. These little cloths from heaven really should be in every household in America.

Game Changer!



Where in the hell has this stuff been all of my life!! This stuff ain’t just for chiggers although that’s why I originally bought it. I’ve used it on poison ivey, mosquito bites and even unknown middle of the night itches. It contains 10% benzocaine and does the trick quickly! I bought mine at Walmart but of course you can get it on Amazon too. Great for your first aid kit!

Game Changer!